Shawn spent the day today moving us into our new flat. It is a nice place and we are both looking forward to living there. I am leaving in about 5 minutes for the ferry to Sanriku so this will be a short blog. I did want to share this photo of Shawn and our friend Paul's car. The car was a huge help in moving (for obvious reasons) but unfortunately wasn't big enough for the mattress. And to make matters more complicated, by the time he got to the mattress moving load, it was starting to snow pretty heavily again. So here is a picture of Shawn with the mattress on the car and the snow coming down.

The good thing was that the drive there blew most of the snow off of the mattress so it wasn't too wet when he moved it in. Shawn plans to spend the weekend setting up the house and getting all of the rest of the things that we will need while I am off battling the wind and the waves for another few field days.