I tried to catch the bus this morning (the woman I met last night told me that a campus bus picks up in front of our building every morning). After waiting for 30 minutes I gave up waiting and decided just to hoof it again today (Murphey 1 – Daphne 0).
I got into the office and decided to tackle the annoying issue of language fonts that continue to try to load onto my computer but can't without my operating software discs, and so continually barrades me with promts to insert the discs. While doing that, I managed to disable microsoft office entirely (Murphey 2 – Daphne 0).
I called home and my amazing friends had my problem solved from Canada within a couple of hours (thanks to all of you who helped, it seems that I am useless without IT personelle here to take care of me). So I now have a free version of all of the microsoft office systems that can allow me to continue working until Shawn shows up here with my operating systems discs with which I can re-load all of my programs (Murphey 2 – Daphne 1). I am very happy to be up and running again, but can now add learning new software to my list of things to learn (customs, street addresses, my phone number, a new language, names, advanced statistics....)
I bought a hot little pink camera yesterday so I can now share photos with all of you. I also picked up a speaker system for my ipod so that now I can listen to music in my room instead of listening to the condenser in my mini-fridge drip. After all of that purchasing, I ended up with a credit at the electronics place that I used to go back today and pick up a few more items like an adorable robins egg blue mouse for my computer to save me from carpel tunnel (Murphey 2 – Daphne 2).
Buoyed after all of this consumer therapy, I felt confident enough to make my way to the library and take on the task of seeing if I could borrow a couple of books that I need. It took me 15 minutes of wandering halls just to find my way to a help desk. One of the books I was after was located in the stacks – good. Wait, where are the stacks... It seems that they are down the rabbit hole behind the help desk where the whispery librarian who doesn't speak a lick of English is sitting and guarding the entrance. After 10 minutes of charades and hand holding, I was instructed to place my purse in a locker then sign the sign in book to go down the rabbit hole (it seems that I should add writing my name in Katakana to my list of things to learn because they are never very happy when I write in romanji). So I head down the winding stairway that is too short for even me to stand up fully. I end up on the next floor down where I pull the book with the number that I am after, and it is in Japanese... This was supposed to be an English book. So I head to another floor and another, seeminly deeper into the earth. Eventually I found that is another book, on another floor with the exact same call number and it is the book that I am after. Whew – even library call numbers have multiple meanings here.
I emerge from the stacks and sign out the book and ask about the location of the other, more important book that I am after. Another 15 minutes of going back and forth with the librarian and she finally had enough and got someone on the phone. The person on the other end tells me that the 2 libraries that contain this other book are in buildings that are under construction and therefore neither book can be accessed right now (Murphey 3 – Daphne 2).
I remembered that the co-op on campus was having their bike sale at lunch. So I stroll over to buy a bike. Again, we have no English at the sales desk, but I have cash so we manage to work things out. I was a bit confused about the reciept which I was told that I needed in case the police find me... What! I was told later that the paper contained the id number of the bike and that if it is to be stolen I should show it to the police to help them locate the bike. I am not too worried about my grey single speed bike being stolen. And at least now I have a sweet ride to make my morning commute a little faster (Murphey 3 – Daphne 3).
The score was all tied up and we were deep into overtime.... Next on my list was to go to the bank all by myself and withdraw our damage deposit, first couple months rent etc so that I can pay the real estate agent tomorrow. I also had to pay for my national health insurance at the bank. I was worried, especially based on how things had been going, that this was not going to work out in my favour. I did manage to pull it off in the end (thanks in large part to the extensive notes I had taken on what to write where on the withdrawl slips). I left, with a pocket full of cash and health coverage (Murphey 3 – Daphne 4).
With any luck, I will keep the lead for another couple of days. I think that it is best that I quit writing now while I am ahead, not to mention that I am feeling pretty beat as the noise of the city is starting to keep me up at night (my room is ground floor on a busy street).